A Mum’s Honest Perspective on Life

A mum’s honest perspective on life is heaven and hell, sometimes all in the same half-hour. It stretches you to your limits and then some, and it demands all of who you are. It’s a rollercoaster of emotions that takes you to a place inside yourself you never knew existed, and it also fills you with more love than you ever thought possible. It’s laughter and tears, screaming at your kids and then snuggling up to them when they have had the worst day and want nothing more than a mommy hug.

A Mum’s Honest Perspective on Life, Love, and Parenting

Whether you stay at home or work outside the house, motherhood can be exhausting. You’re on-call 24/7 and it can be difficult to balance the demands of your family with the needs of your career. Often times you’ll find yourself rushing out of work on your busiest days to pick up your child because they have a fever or putting off a business trip to go to the doctor with your sick baby. And then you have those moments when other mothers judge your choices. You’re always worried that you’re not doing as good of a job as stay-at-home “Sally” who seems to have it all together on the school run.

Let’s all be more honest and stop pretending to have it all together. It’s not healthy to hide the rough spots of parenting and it’s definitely not helpful for your own mental health. So, be brave and share your struggles with your friends and your community. I know it won’t change everything, but it might help a little bit to know you’re not alone in this crazy thing called motherhood.